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Magnetic Braking System

Due to the way that baitcasters work, and how the fishing line casts off of the spool, they have a very high tendency for the spool to rotate at a faster rate than the fishing line is able to leave the reel.

This ends up causing the line to get tangled up on the spool, what many anglers refer to as a “birdsnest.” This is in reference to how the line ends up all jumbled together, resembling the look of a bird’s nest.

Since this is such a common problem, most modern casting reels come equipped with some type of braking system.

These braking systems are designed to slow the spool down at different points during the cast and reduce down the likelihood of line tangles.

There are multiple different types of braking systems, such as the centrifugal, electronic, brand specific, and just the good old fashioned manual way of using your thumb.

In this article, we’re going to be talking about one of the more modern braking system designs which utilizes magnets.

This braking system is known as the magnetic braking system, and it is found on many baitcasting reels today.

What Is A Magnetic Braking System?

A magnetic braking system on a baitcasting reel is a system that uses magnets to slow the spool down.

There are two parts to this braking system. The first is the magnets, which are found inside the side plate of the reel on the opposite side to the handle.

The second part of the braking system is the dial on the outside of the side plate. This dial is used to control how close or far the magnets are from the spool.

By turning the dial, you can either create a stronger or weaker magnetic force. This will then cause the spool to rotate at a different speed.

What Are Magnets?

Magnets are objects that create a magnetic field.

This magnetic field is created by the interaction of two types of particles, called ferromagnetic materials.

These ferromagnetic materials are found in various types of materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt.

When these materials are placed near a magnet, the magnetic force will cause them to interact and align themselves with the magnetic field of the magnet.

This interaction creates the magnetic field that we feel when we come in contact with a magnet.

How Do Magnets Work?

Magnets work by using a magnetic field to attract or repel objects.

The magnetic field is created by the interaction of the two types of particles mentioned earlier, ferromagnetic materials.

When these materials are placed near a magnet, the magnetic force will cause them to interact and align themselves with the magnetic field of the magnet.

This interaction creates the magnetic field that we feel when we come in contact with a magnet.

This magnetic field will then attract or repel other objects that have ferromagnetic materials in them.

What Are The Different Types Of Magnets?

There are three different types of magnets, which are the following:

  • Permanent magnets
  • Electromagnets
  • Temporary magnets

Permanent magnets are magnets that have a magnetic field that is always present.

Electromagnets are magnets that have a magnetic field that is created by electricity.

Temporary magnets are magnets that have a magnetic field that is created by a temporary interaction between two materials.

How Do Magnetic Brakes Work?

The magnetic braking system on a baitcasting reel works by using a magnetic field to slow the spool down.

The magnets in the side plate are placed in close proximity to the spool.

When the spool is spinning, the magnetic field that is created by the magnets will interact with the spool and slow it down.

This interaction is known as Lenz’s law.

Why Are Brakes Important?

Brakes are important on low profile casting reels because they allow you to stop the spool from spinning during the cast.

This will reduce the likelihood of the spool from having to fight against the momentum of the spool when it is coming to a stop.

It will also give you the ability to control how fast or slow the spool comes to a stop.

If the spool is spinning too fast, it can cause the line to get tangled.

This is especially true if the reel is super light and the line is getting whipped around.

How to adjust the magnetic braking system on a baitcasting reel

To adjust the magnetic braking system of a baitcasting reel, you will first need to locate the dial.

This dial is going to be on the outside of the side plate on the opposite side to the handle.

Turning the dial in a clockwise direction will move the magnets closer to the spool, and this will increase the magnetic force.

Turning the dial in a counter-clockwise direction will move the magnets further away from the spool, and this will decrease the magnetic force.


With all of that being said, the magnetic braking system on a baitcasting reel is one of the most common braking systems that you will find on a baitcasting reel.

This is due to the ease of adjusting it by just turning the dial on the outside of the side plate instead of having to remove the side plate and make the adjustment from the inside of the reel.


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